What's New

    Learn something new happening in the Community

    Learn something new happening in the Community

    What's New ...
    What's New?
    LiveVentures - Ponoka
    This 'What's New' content module is new and will appear around PonokaLive with news updates from local businesses.  New products, New services or changes to the business.
    What's New ...
    News Ticker
    LiveVentures - Ponoka
    Visit often to read about what's new at local businesses. The news ticker, found on the PonokaLive home page, is just another way to stay in the loop in the community. 
    Extreme Electric Inc.
    Extreme Electric Company provides residential and commercial solutions for new buildings, renovations or additions. All custom work done to your specific needs by an industry certified master electrician with years of experiences in commercial and residential electrical work.
    Wednesday, November 13, 2024THE COMMUNITY LOOPLiveVentures - What's New? - Visit often to read about what's new at local businessesLiveVentures - News Ticker - What's NEW in the community.- Be a fan of your community - Smile and have a great day!
    Local Business Community
    'Online Business Network'
    Local Business Community
    'Online Business Network'